MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, has become a requisite skill for many developers and database administrators. Whether you are preparing for an interview or looking to tackle coding tasks, mastering MongoDB is essential. One effective way to test and hone your MongoDB skills is through practicing with a set of targeted questions and answers. In this article, we’ll discuss how the list of 110 MongoDB questions provided in the previous sections can be utilized to check your MongoDB skills and get you ready for your next challenge.
110 Mongodb Beginner Interview Question and answers
- What is MongoDB?
- Answer: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. It works on the concept of collections and documents.
- How do you create a database in MongoDB?
- Answer: Use the
command. - Code:
use myDatabase
- Answer: Use the
- How do you create a collection in MongoDB?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you insert a document into a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.insert({name: "Alice", age: 25})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find a document in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: "Alice"})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you update a document in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {age: 26}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you remove a document from a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.remove({name: "Alice"})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you limit the number of documents returned by a query?
- Answer: Use the
method with a query. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How can you index a field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.createIndex({name: 1})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you count the number of documents in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you sort the results of a query?
- Answer: Use the
method with a query. - Code:
db.myCollection.find().sort({name: 1})
// 1 for ascending and -1 for descending
- Answer: Use the
- How do you skip a specific number of documents in a query result?
- Answer: Use the
method with a query. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you specify which fields to include or exclude in a query result?
- Answer: Use the projection parameter in a query.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({}, {name: 1, _id: 0})
// 1 to include, 0 to exclude
- How do you make a field unique in a collection?
- Answer: Create a unique index on that field.
- Code:
db.myCollection.createIndex({email: 1}, {unique: true})
- How do you find the distinct values of a field in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you aggregate data in MongoDB?
- Answer: Use the
method with a pipeline of operations. - Code:
db.myCollection.aggregate([{ $group: { _id: "$age", count: { $sum: 1 } } }])
- Answer: Use the
- How do you update many documents at once?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {status: "Active"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you delete many documents at once?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.deleteMany({status: "Inactive"})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find and update a document in a single operation?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.findOneAndUpdate({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {age: 27}}, {returnNewDocument: true})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you join documents from different collections?
- Answer: Use the
stage in theaggregate()
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you retrieve the list of all collections in a database?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you rename a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you drop a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you drop a database?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you create a compound index in MongoDB?
- Answer: Use the
method with multiple fields. - Code:
db.myCollection.createIndex({name: 1, age: -1})
// 1 for ascending, -1 for descending
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find all documents that match an array of values?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$in: [25, 30]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field value is less than a certain value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$lt: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field value is greater than or equal to a certain value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$gte: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you use a regular expression in a query?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: /^Ali/}})
// Finds documents where the name starts with “Ali”
- Answer: Use the
- How do you specify OR conditions in a query?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({$or: [{name: "Alice"}, {age: 25}]})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is null?
- Answer: Use the
{field: null}
query. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: null})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field exists?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$exists: true}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you increment a field value in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$inc: {age: 1}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you append a value to an array field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$push: {hobbies: "reading"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you remove a value from an array field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$pull: {hobbies: "reading"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you remove all documents from a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method with an empty query object. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition on an array field?
- Answer: Use the
operator for matching all elements or standard query for matching any element. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$all: ["reading", "writing"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where an array field contains a certain number of elements?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$size: 3}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find the first document in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method without any arguments or conditions. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field starts with a specific string?
- Answer: Use a regular expression with the
anchor. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: /^Ali/})
- Answer: Use a regular expression with the
- How do you replace a document in a collection?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.replaceOne({name: "Alice"}, {name: "Bob", age: 30})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field does not equal a specific value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$ne: "Alice"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field has one of multiple values?
- Answer: Use the
operator with an array of values. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$in: ["Alice", "Bob"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where the value of a field is an array with a specific length?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$size: 3}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you update the value of a field based on its current value?
- Answer: Use the
operator with an expression. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {age: {$add: ["$age", 1]}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains a specific value?
- Answer: Use a simple query with the field and value.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: "reading"})
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that does not contain a specific value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$nin: ["reading"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you add multiple values to an array field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator with the$each
modifier. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$push: {hobbies: {$each: ["reading", "writing"]}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you unset a field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$unset: {age: ""}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you rename a field in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$rename: {"age": "yearsOld"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you set a field value to the result of a calculation?
- Answer: Use the
operators. - Code:
db.myCollection.update({}, {$set: {doubleAge: {$expr: {$multiply: ["$age", 2]}}}}, {multi: true})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents that match a pattern but ignoring case?
- Answer: Use the
operator with the$options
operator set to “i”. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: "alice", $options: "i"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you update a field in an embedded document?
- Answer: Use the dot notation.
- Code:
db.myCollection.update({name: "Alice"}, {$set: {"": "New York"}})
- How do you find documents where a field in an embedded document matches a condition?
- Answer: Use the dot notation.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({"": "New York"})
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains a specific element at a specific position?
- Answer: Use the dot notation.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({"hobbies.0": "reading"})
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains all elements of another array?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$all: ["reading", "writing"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you add a field to documents that meet a certain condition?
- Answer: Use the
operator in anupdate()
method with a query condition. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({age: {$gte: 18}}, {$set: {adult: true}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a negated condition?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$not: {$gte: 18}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a date range?
- Answer: You can use the
(greater than or equal to) and$lte
(less than or equal to) operators. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({date: {$gte: ISODate("2020-01-01"), $lte: ISODate("2020-12-31")}})
- Answer: You can use the
- How do you find documents that have a field, regardless of the field’s value?
- Answer: Use the
operator with a value oftrue
. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$exists: true}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents that do not have a specified field?
- Answer: Use the
operator with a value offalse
. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$exists: false}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is of a specified type?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$type: "number"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is within a specified range?
- Answer: Use the
operators together. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$gte: 20, $lte: 30}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition on multiple fields?
- Answer: You can specify multiple conditions in the query object.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: "Alice", age: {$gte: 25}})
- How do you find the documents where a specified field is an array with at least one element?
- Answer: Use the
operators together. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$exists: true, $ne: []}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find the documents where a specified field is an array with at least n elements?
- Answer: Use the
operators together. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({$expr: {$gte: [{$size: "$hobbies"}, 3]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a negated condition on an embedded document field?
- Answer: Use the
operator along with dot notation. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({"": {$not: {$eq: "New York"}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a specified field is an array that contains at least one element that matches a condition?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$elemMatch: {$gte: "reading"}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a logical AND operator?
- Answer: You can specify multiple conditions directly in the query object.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: "Alice", age: {$gte: 25}})
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a logical OR operator?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({$or: [{name: "Alice"}, {age: {$gte: 25}}]})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you return only a specific number of documents?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you skip a specific number of documents in the result set?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
- How do you return the documents in a specified order?
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
db.myCollection.find().sort({name: 1})
// 1 for ascending, -1 for descending
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find the average value of a field across documents?
- Answer: Use the
method with the$group
operators. - Code:
db.myCollection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: null, averageAge: { $avg: "$age" } } } ])
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a NOT condition?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$not: {$gte: 25}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is one of a specified set of values?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$in: ["Alice", "Bob"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on conditions on two different fields?
- Answer: Specify both conditions in the query object.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: "Alice", age: {$gte: 25}})
- How do you update documents based on a condition?
- Answer: Use the
method with a query condition and an update object. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({age: {$gte: 25}}, {$set: {status: "Active"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you concatenate strings from different fields in a document?
- Answer: Use the
operator within the$set
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.update( {name: "Alice"}, {$set: {fullName: {$concat: ["$firstName", " ", "$lastName"]}}} )
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a logical NOR operator?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({$nor: [{name: "Alice"}, {age: {$gte: 25}}]})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a logical XOR operator?
- Answer: MongoDB doesn’t have a built-in XOR operator, but you can achieve XOR logic using
. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({ $or: [ {$and: [{name: "Alice"}, {age: {$not: {$gte: 25}}}]}, {$and: [{name: {$ne: "Alice"}}, {age: {$gte: 25}}]} ] })
- Answer: MongoDB doesn’t have a built-in XOR operator, but you can achieve XOR logic using
- How do you return the keys of a document?
- Answer: Use the
method in aforEach
loop. - Code:
db.myCollection.find().forEach(function(doc) { print(Object.keys(doc)); })
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains any of the elements of another array?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$in: ["reading", "writing"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you replace the value of a field with the value of another field?
- Answer: Use the
operators. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({}, [ {$set: {tempField: "$fieldToReplace"}}, {$set: {fieldToReplace: "$otherField"}}, {$set: {otherField: "$tempField"}}, {$unset: {tempField: ""}} ])
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that has any element greater than a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({scores: {$elemMatch: {$gt: 80}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that has any element less than a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({scores: {$elemMatch: {$lt: 50}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array with no duplicate elements?
- Answer: Compare the size of the array to the size of the set of the array.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({$expr: {$eq: [{$size: "$arrayField"}, {$size: {$set: "$arrayField"}}]}})
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is a specified prefix followed by a sequence of characters?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: '^prefix.*'}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on a condition using a logical NAND operator?
- Answer: MongoDB doesn’t have a built-in NAND operator, but you can achieve NAND logic using
. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({ $nor: [ {$and: [{name: "Alice"}, {age: {$gte: 25}}]} ] })
- Answer: MongoDB doesn’t have a built-in NAND operator, but you can achieve NAND logic using
- How do you perform a case-insensitive search for a string in a field?
- Answer: Use the
operator along with the$options
operator set to “i”. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: "alice", $options: "i"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is a string of a specified length?
- Answer: Use the
operators together. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({$expr: {$eq: [{$strLenCP: "$name"}, 5]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you add a field to documents that do not already have that field?
- Answer: Use the
operator in anupdateMany()
method with a query condition using$exists
. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({newField: {$exists: false}}, {$set: {newField: "defaultValue"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you remove duplicate documents based on a field value?
- Answer: You would typically need to create a temporary collection with the duplicates removed.
- Code:
db.myCollection.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$duplicateField", doc: { $first: "$$ROOT" } } }, { $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$doc" } }, { $out: "tempCollection" } ]); db.tempCollection.renameCollection("myCollection", true);
- How do you change the type of a field in all documents?
- Answer: Use the
operator along with the$toInt
operators (or other type conversion operators). - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({}, {$set: {age: {$toInt: "$age"}}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value matches a pattern?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: ".*son.*"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is between two specified values?
- Answer: Use the
operators together. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$gte: 20, $lte: 30}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you split a string field into an array of strings based on a delimiter?
- Answer: Use the
operator within the$set
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({}, {$set: {nameArray: {$split: ["$name", " "]}}} )
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is a specified suffix followed by a sequence of characters? –
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({name: {$regex: '.*suffix$'}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is greater than a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$gt: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is less than a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$lt: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is greater than or equal to a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$gte: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field’s value is less than or equal to a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$lte: 25}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents based on the absence of a field?
- Answer: Use the
operator with a value offalse
. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({age: {$exists: false}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you update all documents to add a new field with a specified value?
- Answer: Use the
method with an empty query object and a$set
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.updateMany({}, {$set: {newField: "newValue"}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains exactly a specified set of elements?
- Answer: Specify the array directly in the query object.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: ["reading", "writing"]})
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that contains a specified element?
- Answer: Specify the element directly in the query object.
- Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: "reading"})
- How do you find documents where a field is an array that does not contain a specified element?
- Answer: Use the
operator. - Code:
db.myCollection.find({hobbies: {$nin: ["reading"]}})
- Answer: Use the
- How do you return distinct values of a field across all documents in a collection
- Answer: Use the
method. - Code:
- Answer: Use the
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